var strPhotoCredits = ""; function doReadMoreSelect(theSelect) { if(theSelect.selectedIndex<=0) return; document.location = theSelect.options[theSelect.selectedIndex].value; } function doFlashNavigate(strLocation) { if(strLocation.indexOf('adredir.asp')<0) { if(strLocation=="/") { document.location = "/default.htm"; } else { document.location = strLocation; } return; } popwin ="", "", ""); popwin.focus(); popwin.location = strLocation; return; } function doFlashDcwNavigate(strLocation) { if(strLocation.indexOf('adredir.asp')<0) { if(strLocation=="/") { document.location = "/default.htm"; } else { document.location = strLocation; } return; } popwin ="", "", ""); popwin.focus(); popwin.location = strLocation; return; } // // Global Top Level DOM Variables // var currentAdFrame = 0; var swfCloseupFlash = null; var swfDayCalendarFlash = null; var leftIFrame = null; var centerTopIFrame = null; var centerBottomIFrame = null; var topIFrame = null; var rightIFrame = null; var bottomIFrame = null; var params; //get IE or Netscape appropriate element reference function getElement(theElementName){ var el = document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theElementName): document.all? document.all[theElementName]: null; return el; } function popFlashWindow(strUrl, strName, strOpts) { bPopExitWindow = 0; popwin ="", strName, strOpts); popwin.focus(); popwin.location = strUrl; return; } function verifyEmail(email) { if(email.length > 7) { var at = email.indexOf("@"); if((at > 1) && (at==email.lastIndexOf("@"))) { var dot = email.lastIndexOf("."); if ((dot>4) && ((dot-at)>2) && ((email.length-dot)>2)) { return true; // valid! } } } return false; } function forward(theform) { var temptext; temptext = theform.destination.value; if (temptext.length > 0) window.location = temptext; } function mouseOver(strText) { window.status = strText; return true; } function mouseOut() { window.status = ''; return true; } function popup(url, name, height, width, scrollbars) { var popwin; var opts = "toolbar=no,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no"; opts += ",height=" + height + ",width=" + width + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars; popwin ="", name, opts); popwin.focus(); popwin.location = url; } function parentopen(page) { if ( self.opener == null ) {, "newwin", "toolbar=yes,status=yes,location=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes") } else { self.opener.location = page; self.opener.focus(); } } function verifyContactUs(theform) { var txt; txt = theform.subject.value; if(txt.length<=0) { alert('Subject line is required'); return false; } txt = theform.comments.value; if(txt.length<=0) { alert('A brief description or comment is required'); return false; } if(!verifyEmail( { alert('Invalid Email Address'); return false; } var n; for(n=0;n<11;n++) if(theform.content[n].checked) return true; alert('To better help us process your feedback, please indicate a category for your inquiry.'); return false; } // // gets the domain of this server for cookies // function getDomainName() { var strHTP = new String("http://"); var strURL = new String(document.location); // // convert string to lower case // strURL = strURL.toLowerCase(); // // remove the "http://" // var n = strURL.indexOf(strHTP); if (n >= 0) strURL = strURL.substring(n + strHTP.length); // // remove page and querystring // n = strURL.indexOf("/"); if (n >= 0) strURL = strURL.substring(0, n); // // extract domain by looking for last two dots // n = strURL.lastIndexOf("."); if (n > 0) { // // got first dot - look for another // n = strURL.lastIndexOf(".", n-1); if (n >= 0) strURL = strURL.substring(n); else strURL = "." + strURL; } return strURL; } function setPersistantCookie(strCookieName, strCookieValue, iExpireHours) { var strCookie = ""; var strDomain = getDomainName(); var today = new Date(); strCookie += strCookieName + "=" + strCookieValue + "; "; if (iExpireHours!=0) { today.setTime(today.getTime() + iExpireHours * 60 * 60 * 1000); strCookie += "expires=" + today.toGMTString() + "; "; } strCookie += "domain=" + strDomain + "; "; strCookie += "path=/; "; document.cookie = strCookie; } function refreshTopAd() { return; var strNewURL = "/include/ads/iframetop.asp"; strNewURL += "?mainsect=" + strMainSection; strNewURL += "&subsect=" + strSubSection; strNewURL += "&pageURL=" + escape(strPageURL); strNewURL += "&fkws=" + strFalkWebsite; strNewURL += "&fkss=" + strFalkSection; if(topIFrame) topIFrame.src = strNewURL; currentAdFrame++; if(currentAdFrame>2) currentAdFrame = 0; } function refreshBottomAd() { return; var strNewURL = "/include/ads/iframebot.asp"; strNewURL += "?mainsect=" + strMainSection; strNewURL += "&subsect=" + strSubSection; strNewURL += "&pageURL=" + escape(strPageURL); strNewURL += "&fkws=" + strFalkWebsite; strNewURL += "&fkss=" + strFalkSection; if(bottomIFrame) bottomIFrame.src = strNewURL; currentAdFrame++; if(currentAdFrame>2) currentAdFrame = 0; } function refreshRightAd() { return; var strNewURL = "/include/ads/iframeright.asp"; strNewURL += "?mainsect=" + strMainSection; strNewURL += "&subsect=" + strSubSection; strNewURL += "&pageURL=" + escape(strPageURL); strNewURL += "&fkws=" + strFalkWebsite; strNewURL += "&fkss=" + strFalkSection; strNewURL += "&pkiller=no"; if(rightIFrame) rightIFrame.src = strNewURL; currentAdFrame++; if(currentAdFrame>2) currentAdFrame = 0; } function refreshIFrameLeft(strNewURL) { if(leftIFrame) { leftIFrame.src = strNewURL; } } function recycleAds() { switch(currentAdFrame) { case 0: refreshTopAd(); break; case 1: refreshRightAd(); break; case 2: refreshBottomAd(); break; } } // --------------- function loadCloseup(programID,sourceID,channelNumber, channelName, starttime) { var bIsMozilla = false; recycleAds(); var szUserAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (szUserAgent.indexOf("Mac")>0) bIsMozilla = true; if(!document.all) bIsMozilla = true; params = programID + "|" + sourceID + "|" + channelNumber + "|" + channelName + "|" + starttime; if(leftIFrame) { if(!swfCloseupFlash) { if(leftIFrame.contentDocument) { // code for mozilla browsers swfCloseupFlash = leftIFrame.contentDocument.getElementById('closeup2004'); } else { // this code works only in IE swfCloseupFlash = document.frames["TvgoIFrameLeft"].document.getElementById("closeup2004"); } } } var theURL = ""; theURL += "?mainsect=" + strMainSection; theURL += "&subsect=" + strSubSection; theURL += "&flashParams=" + escape(params); if(!swfCloseupFlash) { document.getElementById("TvgoIFrameLeft").src = theURL; } else { if(bIsMozilla) { // refresh the page for mozilla-like browsers document.getElementById("TvgoIFrameLeft").src = theURL; } else { // call the function in the flash movie in IE swfCloseupFlash.setVariable("closeupParams", params); } } } function setCalendarDate(focusDate) { // call the function in the flash movie in IE //getElement("DayCalendar").setVariable("currentDate", currentDate); var bIsMozilla = false; if(!document.all) bIsMozilla = true; var szUserAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (szUserAgent.indexOf("Mac")>0) bIsMozilla = true; currentDate = "11/16/2004"; params ="currentDate="+escape(currentDate)+"&focusDate="+escape(focusDate)+"&NUM_DAYS=8"; if(centerTopIFrame) { if(!swfDayCalendarFlash) { if(centerTopIFrame.contentDocument) { // code for mozilla browsers swfDayCalendarFlash = centerTopIFrame.contentDocument.getElementById('DayCalendar'); } else { // this code works only in IE swfDayCalendarFlash = document.frames["ifGridOptions"].document.getElementById("DayCalendar"); } } } var theURL = "/listings/gridOptions.asp"; theURL += "?mainsect=" + strMainSection; theURL += "&subsect=" + strSubSection; theURL += "&" + params; if(!swfDayCalendarFlash) { document.getElementById("ifGridOptions").src = theURL; } else { if(bIsMozilla) { // refresh the page for mozilla-like browsers document.getElementById("ifGridOptions").src = theURL; } else { // call the function in the flash movie in IE swfDayCalendarFlash.setVariable("currentDate", currentDate); swfDayCalendarFlash.setVariable("focusDate", focusDate); } } } var FlashMode = 0; if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) { var plugin_version = 0; var words = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description.split(" "); //document.write(words); for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) { if (isNaN(parseInt(words[i]))) continue; plugin_version = words[i]; //document.write(plugin_version); } if (plugin_version >= 6) { var plugin = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; var numTypes = plugin.length; for (j = 0; j < numTypes; j++) { mimetype = plugin[j]; if (mimetype) { if (mimetype.enabledPlugin && (mimetype.suffixes.indexOf("swf") != -1)) FlashMode = 1; // Mac wierdness if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"] == null) FlashMode = 0; } } } } } var szSoapTitle; function soapDayClick(iYear, iMonth, iDay, theForm) { document.forms[0].soaps_day.value = iMonth + "/" + iDay + "/" + iYear; document.forms[0].submit(); } function calMouseOver(szText) { window.status = szSoapTitle + " - " + szText; return true; } function IsWindowInsideAParent() { if (parent.window.location != window.location) return true; else return false; } function IfPageInChildOpenInParent() { if (IsWindowInsideAParent()) { parent.document.location.href = document.location.href + + '&purl=' + parent.document.location.href; } } function setTheGridDate(theDate) { if(ifListingsGrid) { switch(currentAdFrame) { case 0: refreshTopAd(); break; case 1: refreshRightAd(); break; case 2: refreshBottomAd(); break; } = theDate; ifListingsGrid.submitGridForm(); } } function setTheGridTime(theTime) { if(ifListingsGrid) { switch(currentAdFrame) { case 0: refreshTopAd(); break; case 1: refreshRightAd(); break; case 2: refreshBottomAd(); break; } ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.event_hour.value = theTime; ifListingsGrid.submitGridForm(); } } function setHDTVGrid(theValue) { if(ifListingsGrid) { //refresh grid ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.HDTVOnly.value = theValue; ifListingsGrid.submitGridForm(); //Now refresh ad //Set the hidden field for AD purpose var iHDTVHiddenAdText = getElement('HDTVAdText'); if (iHDTVHiddenAdText) if (theValue == 0) iHDTVHiddenAdText.value = ""; else iHDTVHiddenAdText.value = "HDTVGRID22"; switch(currentAdFrame) { case 0: refreshTopAd(); break; case 1: refreshRightAd(); break; case 2: refreshBottomAd(); break; } } } function SetTheGridOptions(fontSize, gridColors, startTime, logos) { ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.gst.value = startTime; //ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.gfs.value = fontSize; ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.gcl.value = gridColors; ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.gnl.value = logos; ifListingsGrid.document.forms.selectrow.saveGridOptions.value='true'; ifListingsGrid.submitGridForm(); } function setTheIframeHeight(frame, h, open) { if (open==1) //they're closed, so open them { // make the grid IFrame Smaller setIframeHeight('ifListingsGrid', 500-58); // resize the div inside the iframe theDiv = parent.ifListingsGrid.listingsgrid; = '342px'; // make the DateBar IFrame Taller setIframeHeight('ifGridOptions',25+58); } else //they're open so close them { // return the grid IFrame to normal setIframeHeight('ifListingsGrid',400); // resize the div inside the iframe theDiv = parent.ifListingsGrid.listingsgrid; = '500px'; // make the DateBar IFrame Normal Size setIframeHeight('ifGridOptions',25); } } function setIframeHeight(iframeName,sizeInPixels) { var iframeEl = getElement(iframeName); if (iframeEl) { = sizeInPixels + "px"; } } function loadPageInIFrame(iframeName, theUrl) { var iframeEl = getElement(iframeName); if (iframeEl) iframeEl.src = theUrl; } function dcsAdViewCount(strSourcePage, strAdLocation) { //alert("strSourcePage=" + strSourcePage + " strAdLocation=" + strAdLocation); var gDomain = ""; var gDcsId = ""; var gImage; var strDcsImgUrl = "http"+(window.location.protocol.indexOf('https:')==0?'s':'')+"://"+gDomain+(gDcsId==""?'':'/'+gDcsId)+"/dcs.gif?"; var dCurrent = new Date(); strDcsImgUrl += "dcsdat=" + dCurrent.getTime(); strDcsImgUrl += "&dcssip=" + ""; strDcsImgUrl += "&dcsuri=" + strSourcePage; strDcsImgUrl += "&" + dCurrent.getTimezoneOffset()/60*-1; strDcsImgUrl += "&" + dCurrent.getHours(); strDcsImgUrl += "&WT.ul=" + (navigator.appName=="Netscape"?navigator.language:navigator.userLanguage); if (typeof(screen)=="object") { strDcsImgUrl += "&" + (navigator.appName=="Netscape"?screen.pixelDepth:screen.colorDepth); strDcsImgUrl += "&" + screen.width+"x"+screen.height; 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} } function toggleBigSwfGuide(boolSwfVisible, strSection) { var swfDiv = document.getElementById("BigSwfDiv"); var cmsDiv = document.getElementById("FrontPageDiv"); var tab1img = document.getElementById("CommonPageHeader_SectionHeaderImage_imgTab1Image"); var tab2img = document.getElementById("CommonPageHeader_SectionHeaderImage_imgTab2Image"); if(boolSwfVisible) { tab1img.src = "/TVGOL/Images/tab_" + strSection + "1_off.gif"; tab2img.src = "/TVGOL/Images/tab_" + strSection + "2_on.gif"; = "hidden"; = "visible"; } else { tab1img.src = "/TVGOL/Images/tab_" + strSection + "1_on.gif"; tab2img.src = "/TVGOL/Images/tab_" + strSection + "2_off.gif"; = "hidden"; = "visible"; } } function RedirectRegisterAndLocalize(ReferrerID, returnURL, regMode) { document.location.href = "" + ReferrerID + "&returnurl=" + escape(returnURL) + "®Mode=" + regMode; } function onChangeTransferRM(strTarget) { //Grab the URL from the target and transfer with the ReadMore Date as a QueryString. var sUrl = document.all[strTarget].value; if (sUrl != "READMORE") document.location = sUrl; } //function to call flash closeup from grid IFrame function dtl(programID, sourceID, channelNumber, channelName, starttime, cc) { params = programID + "|" + sourceID + "|" + channelNumber + "|" + channelName + "|" + starttime; parent.loadCloseup(programID, sourceID, channelNumber, channelName, starttime); } // //Subscriptions // //call for sub forms to expand to full screen function showFullScreen(swfName, offerKey){ var theElementName= 'TvgoIFrameLeft'; var el = document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theElementName): document.all? document.all[theElementName]: null; = '790px'; el.src = ''+swfName+'&offerKey='+offerKey; } function hideFullScreen(){ var theElementName= 'TvgoIFrameLeft'; var el = document.getElementById? document.getElementById(theElementName): document.all? document.all[theElementName]: null; = '220px'; el.src = ''; } // // GOOGLE ADS // // This function displays the ad results. // It must be defined above the script that calls show_ads.js // to guarantee that it is defined when show_ads.js makes the call-back. function google_ad_request_done(google_ads) { // Proceed only if we have ads to display! if (google_ads.length < 1 ) return; // Display ads in a table document.write("
"); document.write("Ads By Google"); document.write(" |
" +
"" +
google_ads[i].line1 + " - " +
google_ads[i].line2 + " " +
google_ads[i].line3 + " " + "" + google_ads[i].visible_url + " |